Business Stories - SMEs

With the emergence of the service industry, many small and medium business sized firms operate in the fields of IT, recruitment, finance, etc. However, given the fierce business competition, SMEs have to be agile to stay on top. For this reason its important to limit business risk.
This is where we can support you.

We offer flexible terms and workspaces that suit your business needs. No need to invest heavily on capital and with our business services you can spend reduce time on administrative tasks.

Read about how Compass Offices supports Hong Kong based genetic research company LaGene.

The DNA for Business Success

The DNA for Business Success

We are now in the midst of a generation that could readily learn and capitalize from looking into our genetic code, which can help us understand the diseases and ailments that our bodies fight every day. At LeGENE, they tailor this scientific development to individual health, providing the latest genetic technology utilizing them as health tools to efficiently map our genetic makeup and lead us to a healthier life.
With the quick advancement of technology, genetic testing has been significantly simplified. In most cases, only a small amount of blood or saliva is sufficient. The process starts with an experienced physician and genetic counsellor to obtain family and medical history, and after thorough analysis, the client will be advised of the most suitable genetic test that will benefit their needs. LeGENE’s services doesn’t end here; when the results are determined, they will be at your side every step of the way in helping you to understand your genetic reports and provide support and health recommendations.
The complicated nature of LeGENE’s business requires exceptional customer service and support which is provided through partnering with Compass Offices. With a responsive, accountable and committed service team, Compass Offices helps fast growing companies eliminate administrative hassles and focus resource on their customers.

If you need to expand your business rapidly into new markets, talk to us about how we can support your growth.


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